March grants have been announced for District 10 businesses, individuals, non-profits
Grants are available to individuals, non-profit organizations, and state or local government entities.
Federal funding is extremely competitive and limited in availability. It is Demings’ hope that this information will be a helpful resource for you in the grants process.
For more information about getting started and the application process, please visit, or contact Erin Waldron, Demings’ Director of Economic and Community Development, at 321-388-9808.
Additional Information
Are you eligible for a federal grant?
What are your next steps?
Learn how to write grant applications
Upcoming Grant Opportunities |
National Board for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program – Department of Homeland Security
- Total Funding: $110,000,000
- Application Deadline: March 22, 2021
- Description: Local nonprofit, faith-based, and governmental entities that have provided, or will provide, humanitarian relief to individuals and families at the southern border with shelter, food, and supportive services are eligible to apply. Applications will be completed and submitted to EFSP local boards. State government facilities that provided eligible direct services will apply through their EFSP State Set-Aside (SSA) Committee.
- More Information:
grants/view-opportunity.html? oppId=332148
Veteran Business Outreach Center – Small Business Administration
- Award Ceiling: $400,000
- Application Deadline: April 4, 2021
- Description: The Small Business Act provides for entrepreneurial training, business development assistance, counseling, and management assistance to small business owned and controlled by eligible veterans, as well as the authority to make grants to, and enter into contracts and cooperative agreements with education institutions, private businesses, veterans’ nonprofit community-based organizations, and federal, state, local, and tribal government agencies for the establishment of and implementation of outreach programs for veterans and service-disabled veterans.
- More Information:
grants/view-opportunity.html? oppId=332082
Minority Business Resource Development Advanced Manufacturing Project – Department of Commerce
- Award Ceiling: $400,000
- Application Deadline: April 8, 2021
- Description: Minority Business Resource Development (MBDA) has established key priorities designed to overcome the unique challenges faced by minority business enterprises (MBEs). MBDA is now initiating new approaches to serve MBEs that compliment Presidential priorities and U.S. Department of Commerce goals. These program priorities are separated according to the following 14 initiatives:
- Access to Capital
- American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Project
- Aquaculture
- Disaster Readiness
- Disaster Recovery
- Entrepreneurship Education Program for Formerly Incarcerated Persons
- Global Minority Women Economic Empowerment Initiative
- Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Initiative
- Inclusive Infrastructure Initiative
- Research
- Space Commerce
- Sustainable Business Model
- Technology Transfer and Commercialization
- Virtual Business Center
- For-profit entities (including but not limited to sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, and corporations), non-profit organizations, institutions of higher education, commercial organizations, state and local government entities, quasi-government entities, Indian Tribal governments, Tribal entities, and Native Hawaiian entities.
- More Information:
grants/view-opportunity.html? oppId=331880
Second Chance Act Community-Based Reentry Program – Department of Justice
- Award Ceiling: $750,000
- Application Deadline: April 13, 2021
- Description: Bureau of Justice Assistance is seeking applications to implement or expand on reentry programs that demonstrate strong partnerships with corrections, parole, probation, and other reentry service providers. These partnerships should develop comprehensive case management plans that directly address criminogenic risk and needs, as determined by validated criminogenic risk assessments, and include delivery or facilitation of services.
- Grants made under this program may be used for:
- Mentoring adult offenders during incarceration, through transition back to the community, and post-release.
- Transitional services to assist in the reintegration of offenders into the community.
- Training regarding offender and victims’ issues.
- More Information:
grants/view-opportunity.html? oppId=330929
Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program (GusNIP) – Department of Agriculture
- Award Ceiling: $500,000
- Application Deadline: April 15, 2021
- Description: The GusNIP grant program presents the opportunity to bring together stakeholders from various parts of the food and healthcare systems to foster understanding of how they might improve the health and nutrition status of participating households:
- receiving incentives through the purchase of fruits and vegetables,
- prescribed fresh fruits and vegetables in addition to nutrition educational opportunities, and
- offer incentive program training and technical assistance to applicants and grantees, facilitating growth in states with low participation, and collecting and aggregating core data sets from eligible entities through a central system to capture program success and identify best practices and areas to improve on a broad scale.
- NIFA requests applications for the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program to support and evaluate projects intended to increase the purchase of fruits and vegetables by low-income consumers participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by providing incentives at the point of purchase through nutrition incentive grants; and to demonstrate and evaluate the improvement of dietary health through increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, reduced individual and household food insecurity, and reduced healthcare usage and associated costs through produce prescription grants.
- More Information:
grants/view-opportunity.html? oppId=330460
Advancing Health Literacy to Enhance Equitable Community Responses to COVID-19 – Department of Health and Human Services
- Award Ceiling: $4,000,000
- Application Deadline: April 20, 2021
- Description: The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) and the Office of Minority Health (OMH) announce the availability of funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 under the authority of the Public Health Service Act and the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021. OMH will consider the following additional factors when making recommendations for funding, listed below in no particular order:
- Applicants serving localities with the highest social vulnerability. This may be determined by being in the top 4th as defined by the CDC’s Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) county maps at
county-maps.html, or alternate similar data source if SVI is not available. - Applicants with identified Minority Serving Institution partners. Minority Serving Institutions are defined by the U.S. Department of Education as a category of institutions of higher education enrolling populations with significant percentages of undergraduate minority students, or that serve certain populations of minority students under various programs created by Congress.
- Applicants serving localities with the highest social vulnerability. This may be determined by being in the top 4th as defined by the CDC’s Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) county maps at
- More Information:
grants/view-opportunity.html? oppId=330807
Recently Awarded in District 10 |
COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency Protective Measures – Department of Homeland Security
- Recipient: Florida Division of Emergency Management
- Award: $89,824,459.19
- Description: During the incident period, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic created an immediate threat to the public health and safety of the state of Florida. In response to the event, the applicant utilized force account materials, rental equipment, and contracts for the Emergency Protective Measures throughout the state of Florida. The state of Florida activated its Emergency Response Center, provided training for response to COVID-19 Pandemic, disinfected multiple facilities throughout the state, disseminated information to the citizens, provided supplies and commodities to multiple jurisdictions such as N95 respirators, medical gowns, latex gloves and other PPE items to hospitals, first responders and other entities. In addition, the state provided medical services/assistance to include the setup and staffing of community testing sites including increased law enforcement presence at these sites.
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation (NeighborWorks America) – Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Recipient: Orlando Neighborhood Improvement Corporation
- Award: $385,000
- Description: The Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation (NRC) seeks to promote reinvestment in urban, suburban and rural communities by local financial institutions working cooperatively with residents and local government. It funds 235 organizations, monitors their progress, and provides grants and consulting services. This FY 2021 grant funding will support efforts to develop and preserve affordable housing, revitalize, sustain neighborhoods, and create jobs.
Early Head Start – Child Care Partnership Grants – Department of Health and Human Services
- Recipient: Community Coordinated Care for Children, Inc.
- Award: $2,576,010
- Description: This Administration for Children and Families grant is awarded to public or private non-profit organizations, including community-based and faith-based organizations, or for-profit organizations that seek to provide a high-quality, comprehensive birth-to-five program incorporating both Head Start and Early Head Start funding, or to provide for Head Start only or Early Head Start only, to children and families residing in Osceola, Seminole, and Orange Counties, Florida.
Health Center Cluster Grants – Department of Health and Human Services
- Recipient: Community Health Centers of Winter Garden
- Award: $4,347,218
- Description: This grant awards funds for community-based and patient-directed organizations that deliver comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services. Health centers also often integrate access to pharmacy, mental health, substance use disorder, and oral health services in areas where economic, geographic, or cultural barriers limit access to affordable health care services. Health centers deliver care to the Nation’s most vulnerable individuals and families, including people experiencing homelessness, agricultural workers, residents of public housing, and the Nation’s veterans.
Health Center Cluster Grants – Department of Health and Human Services
- Recipient: Health Care Center for the Homeless
- Award: $2,084,953
- Description: This grant awards funds for community-based and patient-directed organizations that deliver comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services. Health centers also often integrate access to pharmacy, mental health, substance use disorder, and oral health services in areas where economic, geographic, or cultural barriers limit access to affordable health care services. Health centers deliver care to the Nation’s most vulnerable individuals and families, including people experiencing homelessness, agricultural workers, residents of public housing, and the Nation’s veterans.